Friday, July 20, 2007

Campaign to invalidate the death sentence for two Iranian Kurd

journalists and civic actives
sponsored by Amnesty Internatonal:

Execution is an antihuman phenomenon in all the international centers and according to all the international resolutions is against the Human Rights. Execution by totalitarian and dictator countries is a punishment for freedom thinkers and liberals and so.
In 17th July a report from revolution court of SNANDAJ was published by all Islamic republic Medias saying that ADNAN HASSANPOUR a member of editorial board of suspended weekly journal “ASO” and ABDOLVAHED (HIWA) BUTIMAR a civic active are convicted to execute.
Execute Conviction for these two civic actives not only is against the International Conventions and Human Rights that The Islamic Republic has signed them, but this reality shows that the leaders and officials of this regime are acting against these Conventions continually and trampled underfoot all its terms.
Continually convictions for journalism and civic actives are just an example of these clear actions against International Principles.
We as numbers of journalism, civic, political, intellectual, Women Rights, Student and Cultural Iranian Kurd actives and numbers of Iran’s Human Rights advocators and Humanists, cooperate with LEILA HASSANPOUR (ADNAN’s sister) convict the death sentence for ADNAN HASSANPOUR and HIWA BUTIMAR and demand for invalidation this unjust conviction for these two Iranian Kurd actives and demand for a just trial for them, too.
Also, we demand that all international centers and organizations demand for invalidation this unjust conviction and try for their freedom.
By joining this Campaign for supporting the Kurd Journalist HIWA BUTIMAR and civic active ADNAN HASSANPOUR

Iran Unity
Iranian National Civil Resistance and Disobedience
PUBLIC AI Index: MDE 13/090/2007
24 July 2007

Further Information on UA 39/07 (MDE 13/017/2007, 16 February 2007) and follow-up (MDE 13/039/2007, 30 March 2007) - Fear of torture or ill-treatment/Arbitrary arrest and new concern: Death penalty

IRAN Adnan Hassanpour (m), Kurdish journalist and cultural rights activist
Mansour Tayfouri (m), Kurdish journalist and translator

New name: Abdolwahed Butimar, known as Hiwa (m), Kurdish activist, Adnan Hassanpour's cousin

Adnan Hassanpour and his cousin Abdolwahed (known as Hiwa) Butimar have been sentenced to death. Adnan Hassanpour, a Kurdish journalist and advocate of cultural rights for Iranian Kurds, was detained on 25 January and environmentalist Hiwa Butimar on or around 23 December 2006, both in Marivan, Kordestan province. They were reportedly held incommunicado in a Ministry of Intelligence facility in Marivan, and transferred to Marivan prison on 26 March.

Following his arrest Hiwa Butimar‘s home was searched by members of the Intelligence Service, who are said to have confiscated items including Kurdish flags, videos in Kurdish and family pictures of a trip to Iraqi Kurdistan. The confiscated items were also reportedly used as evidence against the cousins, who reportedly appeared before a Revolutionary Court in Sanandaj on 12 June, in the presence of their lawyer.

Adnan Hassanpour and Hiwa Butimar were reportedly returned from Marivan prison to an unconfirmed place of detention, possibly the detention facility run by the Ministry of Intelligence in Sanandaj, the capital of Kordestan province, early in the morning of 15 July. On 17 July the men were told that they had been sentenced to death on charges of espionage and Moharebeh (being at enmity with God). If confirmed on appeal, the sentences would then have to be further confirmed by the Supreme Court.

In an interview carried by the online publication Rooz, the two men's lawyer, Saleh Nikbakht, said that Adnan Hassanpour’s charges related to “a phone conversation he had with a staff member of Radio Voice of America”. He also said that Hiwa Butimar had been charged with carrying lethal weapons, although he denied his client had ever done so, and stressed he had not been in contact with any armed group (see:

In April, the Mehr News Agency, which is said to have close links with Iran’s judiciary, apparently alleged that Adnan Hassanpour had been in contact with Kurdish opposition groups and had helped two people from Khuzestan province, who were wanted by the authorities, to flee from Iran.

Adnan Hassanpour is a former member of the editorial board of the Kurdish-Persian weekly journal Aso (Horizon), which the authorities closed down in August 2005 following widespread unrest in Kurdish areas. Adnan Hassanpour had reportedly been tried for offences supposedly arising from articles published in the journal. Hiwa Butimar heads an environmental organisation called The Green Mountain Society.

Amnesty International has no information about Mansour Tayfouri.


Proceedings before Revolutionary Courts in Iran do not meet international standards for fair trial. The Penal Code contains a number of vaguely-worded provisions relating to association and "national security" which prohibit a range of activities, including those connected with journalism or public discourse which are permitted under international human rights law.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible, in Persian, Kurdish, English and French or your own language:

- expressing concern that Adnan Hassanpour and Abdolwahed Botimar have been sentenced to death;
- urging the authorities to commute these death sentences immediately;
- acknowledging that governments have a responsibility to bring to justice those suspected of criminal offences, but stating your unconditional opposition to the death penalty, as the ultimate cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment and violation of the right to life;
- asking for full details of the charges and evidence against Adnan Hassanpour and Abdolwahed Botimar and expressing concern that their trial may not have met international standards for fair trial, which are especially important in capital cases;
- asking for details of why Mansour Tayfouri was arrested, including any charges and evidence brought against him and of any trial proceedings, and calling for him to be released unless he is to be charged with a recognisably criminal offence and given a prompt and fair trial;
- calling on the authorities to ensure that none of the three men is tortured or ill-treated;
- calling for Adnan Hassanpour, Abdolwahed Botimar and Mansour Tayfouri to be allowed immediate and regular access to their families, lawyers of their own choosing and any medical treatment they may require.

La campaña para invalidar la pena de muerte para dos periodistas kurdos iraníes y ADNAN HASSANPOUR y para HIWA BUTIMAR activo cívico

La ejecución es un fenómeno de antihuman en todos los centros internacionales y según todas las resoluciones internacionales está contra los Derechos humanos. La ejecución por totalitario y los países de dictador son un castigo para pensadores de libertad y lberales y tan. En julio decimoséptimo un informe del tribunal de la revolución de SNANDAJ fue publicado por todos Medios Islámicos de la república que dicen ese ADNAN HASSANPOUR un miembro de la tabla editorial de diario "ASO" y ABDOLVAHED semanal suspendido (HIWA) BUTIMAR un cívico activo es condenado para ejecutar. Ejecute la Convicción para estos dos cívico activo no sólo está contra las Convenciones y los Derechos humanos Internacionales que La República Islámica los ha firmado, pero estas exposiciones de la realidad que los líderes y los funcionarios de este régimen actúan contra estas Convenciones continuamente y pisoteados bajo los pies todos sus términos. Continuamente convicciones para el periodismo y cívico activo son apenas un ejemplo de estos vacía las acciones contra Principios Internacionales. Nosotros como números del periodismo, cívico, político, intelectual, los Derechos de Mujeres, el Estudiante y Cultural iraní kurdo activo y los números de advocators de Derechos humanos de Irán y Humanistas, cooperan con LEILA HASSANPOUR (hermana de ADNAN) condena la pena de muerte para ADNAN HASSANPOUR y HIWA BUTIMAR y para la demanda para la invalidación esta convicción injusta para estos dos iraní kurdo activo y la demanda para un apenas ensayo para ellos, también. También, demandamos que todos centros y las organizaciones internacionales demandan para la invalidación esta convicción y la prueba injustas para su libertad. Uniendo esta Campaña para sostener al Periodista kurdo HIWA BUTIMAR y ADNAN HASSANPOUR 7.18.2007 activo cívico

La Unidad de Irán la Resistencia y la Desobediencia Civiles, Nacionales e ironies

La campagne pour annuler la phrase de mort pour deux journalistes de Kurde Iraniens et ADNAN HASSANPOUR et HIWA BUTIMAR actif civique

L'exécution est un phénomène d'antihuman dans tous les centres internationaux et selon toutes les résolutions internationales est contre les Droits Humains. L'exécution par pays totalitaire et de dictateur est une punition pour les penseurs de liberté et les libéraux et si. Dans 17e juillet un rapport du tribunal de révolution de SNANDAJ a été publié par toutes Presses de république islamiques disant ce ADNAN HASSANPOUR un membre de conseil d'éditorial d' « ASO » de journal et ABDOLVAHED hebdomadaire suspendu (HIWA) BUTIMAR un civique actif est reconnu coupable pour exécuter. Exécuter la Conviction pour ces deux civique actif est non seulement contre les Conventions Internationales et les Droits Humains que La République islamique les a signés, mais ces spectacles de réalité que les dirigeants et les officiers de ce régime agissent contre ces Conventions continuellement et piétiné sous les pieds tous ses termes. Continuellement les convictions pour le journalisme et civique actif sont juste un exemple de ces éclaircit des actions contre les Principes Internationaux. Nous comme les nombres de journalisme, civique, politique, intellectuel, les Droits de Femmes, l'Etudiant et Kurde Iranien Culturel actif et nombres de Droits d'Iran Humain advocators et les Humanistes, coopérer avec LEILA HASSANPOUR (la soeur d'ADNAN) reconnaît coupable la phrase de mort pour ADNAN HASSANPOUR et HIWA BUTIMAR et la demande pour l'invalidation cette conviction injuste pour ces deux Kurde Iranien actif et demande pour un procès juste pour eux, aussi. Aussi, nous exigeons que tous centres et les organisations internationales exigent pour l'invalidation cette conviction injuste et essaient pour leur liberté. En joindant cette Campagne pour soutenir le Kurde Journaliste HIWA BUTIMAR et ADNAN HASSANPOUR actif civique 7.18.2007

L'Unité d'iran Résistance et la Désobéissance Civiles Nationales Iraniennes
Kampagne, das Todesurteil für zwei iranischen Kurden Journalisten zu entkräften, und städtisch tätig ADNAN HASSANPOUR und HIWA BUTIMAR

Ausführung ist ein antihuman Phänomen in allen internationalen Mitten und gemäß allen internationalen Beschlussfassungen ist gegen die Menschenrechte. Ausführung durch totalitär und Diktatorenländer ist eine Strafe für Freiheitendenker und Liberale und so. In 17. Juli wurde ein Bericht von Revolutiongerichtshof von SNANDAJ von allen islamische Republik Medien herausgegeben, die sagen, dass ADNAN HASSANPOUR ein Mitglied dem Redaktionsausschuss von suspendiertem wöchentlichem Journal „ASO“ und ABDOLVAHED (HIWA) BUTIMAR ein städtisches tätig verurteilt werden, durchzuführen. Führen Sie Überzeugung für diese zwei städtische tätig nicht nur ist gegen die Internationalen Tagungen und die Menschenrechte durch, die Die islamische Republik sie unterzeichnet hat, aber diese Realitätenschauen, dass die Leiter und die Beamte von diesem Regime gegen diese Tagungen dauernd handeln, und hat unter den Füßen seine ganzen Begriffe getrampelt. Dauernd Überzeugungen für Journalismus und städtisch tätig sind nur ein Beispiel für diese klaren Handlungen gegen Internationale Prinzipien. Wir als Anzahl des Journalismus, städtisch, politisch, intellektuell, Frauenrechte, Student und Kultureller iranischer Kurde tätig und Anzahl vom Menschenrecht advocators von Iran und Humanisten, arbeitet mit LEILA HASSANPOUR (die Schwester von ADNAN) verurteilt das Todesurteil für ADNAN HASSANPOUR und HIWA BUTIMAR und Nachfrage nach Ungültigkeitserklärung diese ungerechte Überzeugung für diese zwei iranischen Kurden tätig und Nachfrage nach einem gerechten Versuch für sie auch zusammen. Auch verlangen wir, dass alle internationalen Mitten und Organisationen für Ungültigkeitserklärung diese ungerechte Überzeugung und Versuch für ihre Freiheit verlangen. Durch Anschließen dieser Kampagne zum Unterstützen des Kurden Journalist HIWA BUTIMAR und städtisch tätig ADNAN HASSANPOUR 7.18.2007

Iran Einigkeit iranischer Nationaler Ziviler Widerstand und Ungehorsam
La campagna di invalidare la condanna a morte per due giornalisti Iraniani curdi ed ADNAN HASSANPOUR e HIWA BUTIMAR civico attivo

L'esecuzione è un fenomeno di antihuman in tutti i centri internazionali e secondo tutte le risoluzioni internazionali è contro i Diritti Umani. L'esecuzione da totalitario ed i paesi di dittatore è una punizione per i pensatori di libertà e liberale e cosí. In luglio 17 una relazione dal tribunale di rivoluzione di SNANDAJ era pubblicata da tutta i Mezzi di comunicazione di repubblica Islamici dicendo quell'ADNAN HASSANPOUR un membro di asse di editoriale di "ASO" di diario ed ABDOLVAHED sospeso settimanale (HIWA) BUTIMAR un civico attivo sono condannato per eseguire. Eseguire la Condanna per questi due civico attivo è non solo contro le Convenzioni Internazionali ed i Diritti Umani che La Repubblica Islamica ha firmato loro, ma queste mostre di realtà che i dirigenti ed i funzionari di questo regime agiscono contro queste Convenzioni continuamente e calpestato sotto i piedi tutti i termini. Continuamente le condanne per il giornalismo e civico attivo sono appena un esempio di questi chiarisce le azioni contro i Principi Internazionali. Noi come i numeri di giornalismo, i Diritti di Donne civici,, politici, intellettuali,, lo Studente ed i numeri Culturali Iraniani curdi attivi e di Iran advocators di Diritti Umani e gli Umanisti, coopera con LEILA HASSANPOUR (la sorella dell'ADNAN) condanna la condanna a morte per ADNAN HASSANPOUR e HIWA BUTIMAR e la richiesta per l'annullamento questa condanna ingiusta per queste due richiesta Iraniana curda attiva e per una prova giusta per loro, anche. Anche, richiediamo che tutti i centri internazionali e le organizzazioni richiedono per l'annullamento questa condanna ingiusta e tentano per la loro libertà. Unindo questa Campagna per sostenere il Giornalista HIWA BUTIMAR curdo ed ADNAN HASSANPOUR civico attivo 7.18.2007

L'Unità di iran Resistenza e la Disubbidienza Iraniane Nazionali Civili


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